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How Sky News managed to beat the crowds for their coverage of the royal wedding

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Stand out from the crowd

Results by the numbers

3 mins

avg. dwell time


avg. scroll depth


avg. engagement rate

Sky News’ decision to use batch upload to create visual-first stories proved to be an extremely efficient way to produce quality content with limited time constraints. With an average dwell time of 3 minutes, these articles showcase that you don’t need to spend a lot of time authoring to produce engaging content that resonates with audiences.

The Challenge

The Royal Wedding attracted the attention of the entire world. On the day of, publishers knew that they would have tight time constraints to cover the big day. And with the competition fierce, Sky News needed a way to create content quickly in a shorter time than they are accustomed to, whilst also making the content interactive, engaging and more interesting to read than their competitors.

The Solution

Sky News published four visually-enriched articles using the EX.CO Platform’s “batch upload” feature to cover the Royal event. This feature solved a genuine issue for them as it allows writers to upload multiple images with a caption via the click, or drag, of a button. Making these image-led stories is much faster in EX.CO than it is in their own CMS.

The articles that they created gave the audience an insight into the day’s events, which helped them feel more connected and more engaged with the content. The items were showcased on-site and shared via Sky News’ social media channels.

sky news case study mobile image

Key Takeaways

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Batch upload enables publishers to produce high-quality, engaging visual content quickly under limited time constraints.

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The 3 minute dwell time proves that you don’t need to spend a long time creating content that people are compelled to read and engage with.

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